We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of our children and all our leaders must adhere to our Safe Church Code of Conduct.

We are a church family who are passionate about partnering with families to introduce children to the mystery and wonder of our amazing God who loves and cares for them. We believe that children can be followers of Jesus and bringers of his kingdom into our world.

We want our kids and youth to experience a strong sense of belonging. To know that they are a valued and important part of our community. Although designed for pre-school and primary ages, Kids Church during our Sunday gatherings has flexibility for older or younger children to participate.

We value family and therefore run regular activities such as family nights, picnics and other events. Recently we have run Youth Alpha for our older kids as well as craft afternoons.

As part of seeking to provide children with a safe and supportive environment we require parents to complete a consent form prior to participating in any activity where parents aren’t present.